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P7 children Celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation
9th May 2016

Friday 6th May 2016 was a beautiful evening, on which we celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation with our Primary 7 children. The Celebrating Bishop was Most Rev. John McAreavey D.D. and our Celebrant, Rev. Fr. Brian Brown P.P.
Our children were very well prepared for the sacrament by their teacher Mrs Magennis and very well supported by their family and friends.
We would like to thank the altar servers, the parish Choir for their beautiful singing and parents who helped to organise the tea in the hall after the service. Your help and continued support is always greatly appreciated.
St Patrick’s Primary School Magheralin,
12 Ballymacbredan Road, Magheralin,
Craigavon, County Armagh BT67 0QU
Tel: 028 3834 1400